We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
- Albert Einstein
Zen Benefiel's interview with Jeffrey Mishlove
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). |
Zen Benefiel's interview with Dr. Ervin Lazlo
Dr. Ervin Lazlo is a two time Nobel Prize Nominee, Author on higher Self & Quantum Consciousness, Systems Theorist and Founder of the Club of Budapest. This dialogue from Ben Benefiel's "One World in a New World" series, will dive into one of the world's greatest minds, offering insight and understanding of a new world emerging in the consciousness of humanity. |
Thomas Legrand's video about the Politics of Being
The 4 minute video trailer for the Politics of Being. This space is an invitation to co-create the new development paradigm we need: one that is focused on “being” instead of “having”. Read more at: https://politicsofbeing.com/ |
Thomas Legrand's introduction to the Politics of Being
This video was recorded for the 2021 edition of the European Summer Research Institute (ESRI) organized by Mind & Life Europe. After a personal introduction in relation to ESRI's theme (knowledge), Thomas' presentation starts at 7.25. Read more at: https://politicsofbeing.com/ |
Zen Benefiel's interview with Thomas Legrand
Thomas Legrand talks in this interview, about the need for a new narrative, which he states needs to be positive in nature. This narrative embraces both people and the planet so that our future is more secure. Thomas states that the crises we are experiencing also have an inner component that we don't often recognize. Recognizing the relationship between the inner and outer circumstances is what is important. |
Joel Hodroff's Roadmap to Global Sustainable Prosperity: Awakening a Green Business Revolution... Reframing Wealth in the 21st Century
Joel's video is about the business-community economic innovation that can solve the 21st century wealth challenge. All the puzzle pieces are at hand for rapid economic recovery through a non-currency supplemental purchasing power called Community Service Dollars. |
Jeffrey Deckman's Emergency Planning Series Part 3:
Engaging your Inner Elder as a Consious Leader Jeffrey explains how to use several of his high-level Conscious Leadership techniques to activate your Inner Elder to help you lead yourself and others through highly stressful and high stakes circumstances with a higher level of consciousness that insures more favorable results. This video is long but worth it. |
Jeffrey Deckman's Emergency Planning Series Part 2:
Maintening focus while engaging in emergency planning Jeffrey provides details on a very effective process he developed that helps Conscious Leaders eliminate negative or fearful thinking that distract teams and impedes their ability to develop effective crises management strategies. |
Jeffrey Deckman's Emergency Planning Series Part 1:
Centering your team's thinking prior to emergency planning Jeffrey provides details on a process that helps Conscious Leaders, and their teams, establish a collective mindset that is calm and focused as they prepare to begin developing effective crises management strategies. |
Jeffrey Deckman's Wisdom from the Woods Series:
Finding your inner elder as your leader Jeffrey talks about how all of us have inherent leadership qualities that are gifted to us. And he offers a unique way to tap into the inner wisdom we all have access to. |
Jeffrey Deckman's Wisdom from the Woods Series:
The dynamics of resentments Jeffrey explains how resentments turn into retaliation and ultimately into the trap of self-righteousness. He then gives advice on how to avoid that destructive cycle. |
Jeffrey Deckman's Wisdom from the Woods Series:
Getting to know your inner personalities Jeffrey discusses an innovative way to easily begin to increase our levels of self-awareness so that we may better understand what makes us tick. The better we know ourselves the better leaders we become both at work and at home. NOTE: At the 5:53 point Jeffrey say chess when he meant checkers and he said checkers when he meant chess. |
Jeffrey Deckman's Wisdom from the Woods Series:
Leadership is an Inside Job Jeffrey expresses his disappointment over the lack of conscious leadership displayed during a "Presidential" debate that was anything but Presidential and offers a powerful suggestion on what to do about it. |
Jeffrey Deckman's Wisdom from the Woods Series:
Conscious Leadership in Times of Uncertainty Jeffrey speaks to the importance of maintaining a high level of consciousness during tumultuous times and gives suggestions on how to do so. |
Introduction to Philosophy of Technology and ideas from Martin Heidegger
Dr Roy Woodhead's video is intended to prime a dialogue that explores "Philosophy of Technology" and starts by looking at the ideas of "Martin Heidegger". |
How to bring empathy without feeling too weighed down by it
David Sinclair explains how to bring empathy using a simple integration method to save your energy. |
Why Tribes and Knowledge Networks have Replaced Org Charts
Jeffrey Deckman explains how to significantly increase employee engagement and your leadership skills by simply viewing your employees as members of a vibrant knowledge network. He also explains the three (3) components of a knowledge network that every leader must understand in order to activate and motivate them |
The Math that Explains how Increasing Employee Engagement Increases Profits
Jeffrey Deckman presents a formula that reveals the significant impact increasing levels of employee engagement has on the profitability of organisations. In doing so he provides single biggest business reason why management, at all levels and in any type of organisation, should focus heavily on increasing the levels of employee engagement. |
This presentation is part of a monthly meeting for the VIP members of the Global Art Café ran by Art Soul Living
Alan Wallner from Conscious Branding shares his perspective on branding and e-commerce. Conscious branding is being in a state of awareness and harnessing the energies around you to create your brand life-force. |